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Our 3rd Christmas Event together with Hanseatic Help

A few days ago, we rounded off the end of the year with our Christmas party. Beforehand, the whole remote team came from all over Germany to meet at the Hanseatic Help e.V. logistics centre to support people in need. Especially now in winter, the outside temperatures are a challenge for all those who do not have a safe roof over their heads and urgently need textiles to keep warm.

The non-profit organisation Hanseatic Help was founded by Hamburg residents who wanted to help and simply put their ideas into practice. Since then, in 2015, they have created a large community of helpers who not only support refugees, but also all those in need in many other organisations in and around Hamburg. Our team got involved by helping to sort and receive all the donations that arrived at their exhibition hall at the harbour in Altona. This included clothes, shoes and other hygiene items that could benefit those in need. We had a lot of fun with our activity and are glad that we were able to just make a small contribution with our efforts.

In the evening, we went to Winterhude, where we greatly appreciated the mediterran cuisine at Mirou with intense conversations and drinks to celebrate another year of existence and the Christmas season.

💚 We are so grateful for this day and would like to thank our entire team, clients and partners for making ai-omatic as exciting as it is and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎅

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